Not Your Average Conservation Group
We are well accepted as domain experts among our peers in our respective industry i.e., Architecture, Legal, Engineering, Technology are few among many.
What Sets Us Apart
Beyond the shared vision for the worthy cause We are the first customer oriented software with artificial intelligence to manage cost and measure deviations.
An Idea For A Lifelong Dream
Management tools that can be used as demonstrations, generating reports, and more for increment in productivity. Most of the time, organizations fail to fix the LEAKAGE.
“We often know vaguely of who we were, only somewhat of who we are, and zilch of who we may be.”
Meet The Founding Team
Meet Key Advisory Board

Fergle D'Aubeterre
IT Strategy, Digital Transformation, Design Thinking, Cyber-security, Cloud Services,IT Governance and Architecture
VP, Business Systems (Bird Construction)
Ex Director, Research Computing, University of Calgary

Dr Arup Roy Choudhury
Headed India's largest construction company in the Govt. sector and went on to head the 10th largest power company in the world (India’s largest.)
Elected Vice Chair (Asia-Pacific & South-Asia) of World Energy Council.
​Asian CEO of the Year’ Award by Terrapinn
"You've got to plan for bigger goals while you're doing smaller activities, so that all the smaller activities take you straight to your desired goal"
OUR PURPOSE - To help create technology solutions for the infrastructure that improves the world’s communities.
OUR VISION - To be the leading provider of simplified technology solutions to complex infrastructure problems.